This week has been Father’s Day. Since my father passed away two years ago, I have realized the importance of having him as a mentor and how important he has been in defining how I am (even physically) and some of the things I like: music, books, history, art, economy and so. My music tastes […]
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Social Media Marketing for Bands (and Brands)
These days, to increase your band (and brand) acknowledgement, you need to be active on all Social Media platforms. While that may be true, unless your band or your company has a dedicated person, finding the time to maintain every platform you are using can be extremely time consuming. If your company or band has […]
Read MoreBuild your Business Team as a Band
Your business needs great workers, as a music band needs great musicians. Great bands are formed of great musicians with a common purpose (making good music and, if possible, a living from that). A business team is also a group of different individuals who share a commitment to working together to achieve common goals. All […]
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